<< monochrome >>

:: new ::

My characters, Dias and Kaiden, talking. What are they saying? Insert your own words. XD Proof that I'm serious when I say I can't draw females.

:: old ::

Ahh, somewhat violent. What happens when I read too much Yami no Matsuei... Deimos - DE//void: Character spread sheet of sorts.

<< color >>

:: new ::

A friend at school asked me to draw her a picture to frame and put on her wall. Well, here it is. I like this ^^ The copy I gave to my friend is printed on cardboard. Very good result. The good half of the Mother's Day card. Yay for the influx of OC srawls XD

:: old ::

A younger Ciel and his boyfriend from that time. Something tells me I need to write a background story. XD Also, my first CG since December 2001. Well, characters in a story Bec, Sally and me are writing. Ciel is the guy with blue tipped hair (mine) and Sukido is the other guy. Birthday card for my dad. I like Jeff Hardy XD. Background is a bunch of wrestling stickers I have. I've got a pile about 10 cm thick of stickers. Dias and Kaiden - DE//void: Dias has white hair, Kaiden has grey. Alex Sempai: A present for Alex. Since I suck at drawing girls, I drew him.

:: commentage ::

OK, I have a bunch of original characters. 13 characters, 3 stories.
DE//void [shounen-ai, drama, occult]
+ Dias
+ Kaiden
+ Deimos
+ Orion
+ R'del (female)

Blunt Pencil [shounen-ai, comedy]
+ Mato
+ AC
+ Lex
+ Dako
+ R'del (yes, same girl XD)

Leben Sie wieder [shounen-ai, occult, comedy]
+ Ra'en
+ Koryn (female)
+ Amulet (female)
+ Ciel

All these characters are my consciences. So there are 14 voices in my head including me. Please don't take my consciences and claim them for your own *begs*. Yes, basically R'del is the only straigt character. Here are the couples:

Dias X Kaiden
Orion X Deimos
AC X Mato
Dako X Lex
Ciel X Ra'en

And yes, I worship shounen-ai XD XD XD

art © kyan ryu 2002 - 2003
all anime/manga/video game characters drawn here © to Kyan Ryu/Yahiko

